Residential ACC Services

Residential ACC Services provides residential services and supported independent living services for youth with complex behavioural issues, trauma and grief.

Youth Services

From July 2021, CRC provides transitionary residential youth services for Tamariki and Rangatahi from 12 to 25 years old. In collaboration with Oranga Tamariki, CRC provides youth dealing with complex issues, such as PTSD, a place where life can start to become more normal for them. Typically, youth with complex trauma issues come to us feeling angry, fearful and alone. Our services are person-centered and based on safety, whanaungatanga (working together) and whānau. We support each individual to create a safe place for themselves, to regain their dignity and start to rebuild a sense of who they are. CRC establishes goals and aspirations with the Tamariki and Rangatahi navigating appropriate ways for them to problem solve, achieve and be safe throughout their personal journey to adulthood. Each will need their own plan and support to build their confidence.

How to access our services

What We Offer

As every person’s situation and capabilities are different, CRC offers support that includes:

  • Meal preparation
  • Self-management
  • Learning skills
  • Get a driver’s licence
  • Growing in confidence and self-esteem
  • Holistic healing
  • Counselling and legal support
  • Education and employment
How We Help

CRC staff work closely with each individual to provide and support a positive environment for them to flourish. This support covers all aspects of the individual’s wellbeing, and we seek to ensure clients are supported in their own individual needs. Each client has an Individual Personal Plan (IPP). Whānau inclusion is an integral part of CRC’s ongoing support for our residents, and we welcome feedback from families regarding the everyday needs of our residents.

How to access our services

Oranga Tamariki will be the contact of referral to our services.

More information

"CRC provides transitionary residential youth services for Tamariki and Rangatahi”

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